In my work I mainly deal with the concept of developing a spiritual journey within myself and reconnecting with nature. Throughout the past few years, a pandemic has controlled my life and confined me to my home and made me scared to leave my home. I no longer could venture wherever I wanted, and I felt restricted and lonely. To take control back of my life I decided to venture into nature which seemed to be so happy and thriving, which is the exact opposite to the rest of the world right now, which is so full of pain. I focus on going through a spiritual journey in nature and connecting with my surroundings. While being in nature I am able to forget about the things I cannot change and just be in the present. I no longer feel confined or restricted, I can be free, and I can breathe again.
Whilst in the landscape I collect small elements from it. I attempt to move away from the traditional camera and instead work directly with nature by using the cameraless technique of cyanotype and I use the elements I collected to create a new universe through the world of abstraction. I believe there is a relationship between the world of matter and the world of spirit, and I create a connection through my cyanotype prints.